ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF - Library Reference
LengthsAsync(IList<Graphic>,Nullable<LinearUnit>,Boolean,Object) Method
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks Namespace > GeometryService Class > LengthsAsync Method : LengthsAsync(IList<Graphic>,Nullable<LinearUnit>,Boolean,Object) Method

The graphics used to calculate lengths.
The length unit in which perimeters of polygons will be calculated. If unit is not specified, the units are derived from the Spatial Reference of the geometry.
If polylines are in geographic coordinate system, then geodesic needs to be set to true in order to calculate the ellipsoidal shortest path distance between each pair of the vertices in the polylines. The output if lengthUnit is not specified is returned in meters.
A user-defined object that is passed to the method invoked.
Calculates the lengths of each specified polyline. Raises the LengthsCompleted event on success, or the TaskBase.Failed event on failure.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overloads Sub LengthsAsync( _
   ByVal graphics As IList(Of Graphic), _
   ByVal lengthUnit As Nullable(Of LinearUnit), _
   ByVal geodesic As Boolean, _
   Optional ByVal userToken As Object _
public void LengthsAsync( 
   IList<Graphic> graphics,
   Nullable<LinearUnit> lengthUnit,
   bool geodesic,
   object userToken


This overload has been replaced by a new overload replace bool geodesic with CalculationType.Geodesic for true and CalculationType.Planar for false.


The graphics used to calculate lengths.
The length unit in which perimeters of polygons will be calculated. If unit is not specified, the units are derived from the Spatial Reference of the geometry.
If polylines are in geographic coordinate system, then geodesic needs to be set to true in order to calculate the ellipsoidal shortest path distance between each pair of the vertices in the polylines. The output if lengthUnit is not specified is returned in meters.
A user-defined object that is passed to the method invoked.


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows 7, Windows 8

See Also

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